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YouTube on the Boob Tube, again!

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Woke up to rain again. I HATE when I can't keep on my training schedule it really irks me! So we decided to do another Jillian Michaels workout, this one was a 30 min shredder or something like that and it was good, lots of basic movements such as jumping jacks, squats, crunches. We did some upper body with the hand weights and I can tell I'm gonna feel that in the morning fo sho!!! I feel good after I work out in the morning, like I've accomplished something before most people have even gotten out of bed.

I'm worried about training this time. I mean this is by far the longest I'm going to be running and nearly a whole week of no running is not good! This Saturday we're supposed to run 7 but there's an 80% chance of rain so if it does rain we'll have to run inside somewhere...Austin Peay indoor track perhaps?

I do feel good about the cross training we've done, it's nice to have a little break from chasing my shadow and I do feel stronger and toner. Oh, that last post about cutting ice cream from my diet; yeah just disregard that.  I wasn't going to even go down that aisle at publix but we needed waffles, oh well...

So the other day when I was Facebook stalking, you know because I don't have anything better to do, right, geez! Anyway I was looking at a friend of a friends of a friends pics and apparently she's a yoga instructor, my age and she had all of these amazing poses with her legs up in the air looking very strong and I've decided I want to do that too!  Not teach yoga but get flexible again and be able to really do yoga not the sorry excuse of whatever I do lol!!

So the million dollar question is do we run tomorrow if it's not raining? It's supposed to be a rest day but we haven't even ran!!

I'll be doing my "no rain dance" if anyone needs me!


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