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In a Funk

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Well I'm finally getting over my SSS but now I'm just BLAH!! It's 27 degrees outside which means that's what it'll be in the morning when we're supposed to run 3...may have to take advantage of my neighbor Katy's offer to use her treadmill!  We didn't wake up for yoga this morning but I'm going to do it tonight with or without the hubs!  I'm sure once I start doing it he'll want to jump in. :-)

Pity party for myself for a sec...I'm on track to graduate May 2014 but a few things are holding me back, math and praxis. Math 1410 and 1420 to be exact. I'm taking the math classes this semester and the Praxis as soon as I can. I suck at math. I don't get it so I feel stupid and I give up. I can't do that anymore because my future, my family is depending on me, they need me to graduate and get a job so we can stop struggling. So sick of watching Darren work so hard and him feeling like it's not enough, it's my time to contribute and take some burden off of him!

Anyway we haven't ran since Saturday because it's been raining, ice, all kinds of good stuff. Been doing some videos on YouTube but I need to RUN dammit!!! Looking to get a used treadmill maybe...probably not though. Just need to get my arse outside, cold or not!


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