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Mama sore, mama sore.

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Jillian kicked my butt again, I can hardly walk! It literally feels like I was trying to do the splits and someone came up to me and pushed me all way down, and held me there, for 2 days!  On the bright side my arms aren't that sore and considering the fact I used my hand weights for the first time in forever I'm happy.

Couldn't run again this morning because of the stupid rain, not that I could've because of my super soreness situation (SSS) but still.  I could still run this afternoon before the girls rehearsal but is it smart to run when I'm so sore?? Hmmm,.something to ponder.  The weather is GORGEOUS, 70's and sunny. Still feeling bad about not following training plan but Darren says it's only week 2 and it's not like we've been slacking, just not running like we're supposed to, stupid weather!

Update:  Just tried to jog to the mail box and felt like my muscles were ripping apart, not good. Running a no go tonight. :-(  Bummed.  Biofeezed my legs like nobodys busy-ness!!!

Tomorrow I really, really hope the weather people are wrong!!!

"Your belief determined your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe."  -Mark Victor Hansen


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