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We got to run, yay!!!  The rain held out and we were able to run our 7 miles! I have to say I was really hurting for the first mile.  My SSS is still in full effect.  I really didn't think the groin muscles were used that much.  I mean if they were then they wouldn't be as sore as they were but I perhaps I just worked them differently, it's all Jillian's fault!  Going up the hills were the worst and I had to walk up the steepest one at the Greenway.  We saw our friends Dorothy and Yvette. Those ladies are ROCK STARS!  They have already ran a marathon and finished right at 4 hours which is amazing, they are definitely my inspiration. I love when we go and see a lot of people running and walking, Clarksville is getting healthy!

Darren did so great.  Every time we've ran he's gotten faster and stronger, I really wanted to stop a few times because I was hurting so bad but he kept me going and I know I will be able to lean on him during the runs when I want to fall out or during cross training because those are tough too!

Alrighty enough mushiness it's back to business.  I am looking at another training schedule because I'm worried we will not have enough long runs with the current one.  The new one is basically identical to the one were doing right now but Saturday runs progress faster and since we have already ran a couple half marathons I'm thinking this one is better.  If we do switch we'll be doing 8 next Saturday and 10 the one after that...makes my feet hurt just thinking about it.  Speaking of feet hurting I am finally going to get some new running shoes.  I have wanted the Brooke's Pure Cadence forever but my Newton's have been good to me so I don't know about switching. I wish you could run in both a couple of times and then decide because just walking around a store doesn't cut it.  Darren has Newton's right now and is thinking of going back to Brooke's.  I am just grateful to be able to get new ones, I am still running with my first pair ever.

On a side note all of our kids did excellent on their report cards!  I am blessed to have such wonderful children, I will never take them for granted.

Ashlyn wants to start running and Dalton is going to join the running team at school,I am so proud!! Thanks to those who have tried to post comments, not sure why they're not showing up but they are appreciated none the less! :)<3

WOW, I am emotional tonight! :-)  I think my Motrin pm is kicking in, night all!!


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