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In a Funk

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Well I'm finally getting over my SSS but now I'm just BLAH!! It's 27 degrees outside which means that's what it'll be in the morning when we're supposed to run 3...may have to take advantage of my neighbor Katy's offer to use her treadmill!  We didn't wake up for yoga this morning but I'm going to do it tonight with or without the hubs!  I'm sure once I start doing it he'll want to jump in. :-)

Pity party for myself for a sec...I'm on track to graduate May 2014 but a few things are holding me back, math and praxis. Math 1410 and 1420 to be exact. I'm taking the math classes this semester and the Praxis as soon as I can. I suck at math. I don't get it so I feel stupid and I give up. I can't do that anymore because my future, my family is depending on me, they need me to graduate and get a job so we can stop struggling. So sick of watching Darren work so hard and him feeling like it's not enough, it's my time to contribute and take some burden off of him!

Anyway we haven't ran since Saturday because it's been raining, ice, all kinds of good stuff. Been doing some videos on YouTube but I need to RUN dammit!!! Looking to get a used treadmill maybe...probably not though. Just need to get my arse outside, cold or not!


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We got to run, yay!!!  The rain held out and we were able to run our 7 miles! I have to say I was really hurting for the first mile.  My SSS is still in full effect.  I really didn't think the groin muscles were used that much.  I mean if they were then they wouldn't be as sore as they were but I perhaps I just worked them differently, it's all Jillian's fault!  Going up the hills were the worst and I had to walk up the steepest one at the Greenway.  We saw our friends Dorothy and Yvette. Those ladies are ROCK STARS!  They have already ran a marathon and finished right at 4 hours which is amazing, they are definitely my inspiration. I love when we go and see a lot of people running and walking, Clarksville is getting healthy!

Darren did so great.  Every time we've ran he's gotten faster and stronger, I really wanted to stop a few times because I was hurting so bad but he kept me going and I know I will be able to lean on him during the runs when I want to fall out or during cross training because those are tough too!

Alrighty enough mushiness it's back to business.  I am looking at another training schedule because I'm worried we will not have enough long runs with the current one.  The new one is basically identical to the one were doing right now but Saturday runs progress faster and since we have already ran a couple half marathons I'm thinking this one is better.  If we do switch we'll be doing 8 next Saturday and 10 the one after that...makes my feet hurt just thinking about it.  Speaking of feet hurting I am finally going to get some new running shoes.  I have wanted the Brooke's Pure Cadence forever but my Newton's have been good to me so I don't know about switching. I wish you could run in both a couple of times and then decide because just walking around a store doesn't cut it.  Darren has Newton's right now and is thinking of going back to Brooke's.  I am just grateful to be able to get new ones, I am still running with my first pair ever.

On a side note all of our kids did excellent on their report cards!  I am blessed to have such wonderful children, I will never take them for granted.

Ashlyn wants to start running and Dalton is going to join the running team at school,I am so proud!! Thanks to those who have tried to post comments, not sure why they're not showing up but they are appreciated none the less! :)<3

WOW, I am emotional tonight! :-)  I think my Motrin pm is kicking in, night all!!

Mama sore, mama sore.

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Jillian kicked my butt again, I can hardly walk! It literally feels like I was trying to do the splits and someone came up to me and pushed me all way down, and held me there, for 2 days!  On the bright side my arms aren't that sore and considering the fact I used my hand weights for the first time in forever I'm happy.

Couldn't run again this morning because of the stupid rain, not that I could've because of my super soreness situation (SSS) but still.  I could still run this afternoon before the girls rehearsal but is it smart to run when I'm so sore?? Hmmm,.something to ponder.  The weather is GORGEOUS, 70's and sunny. Still feeling bad about not following training plan but Darren says it's only week 2 and it's not like we've been slacking, just not running like we're supposed to, stupid weather!

Update:  Just tried to jog to the mail box and felt like my muscles were ripping apart, not good. Running a no go tonight. :-(  Bummed.  Biofeezed my legs like nobodys busy-ness!!!

Tomorrow I really, really hope the weather people are wrong!!!

"Your belief determined your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe."  -Mark Victor Hansen

YouTube on the Boob Tube, again!

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Woke up to rain again. I HATE when I can't keep on my training schedule it really irks me! So we decided to do another Jillian Michaels workout, this one was a 30 min shredder or something like that and it was good, lots of basic movements such as jumping jacks, squats, crunches. We did some upper body with the hand weights and I can tell I'm gonna feel that in the morning fo sho!!! I feel good after I work out in the morning, like I've accomplished something before most people have even gotten out of bed.

I'm worried about training this time. I mean this is by far the longest I'm going to be running and nearly a whole week of no running is not good! This Saturday we're supposed to run 7 but there's an 80% chance of rain so if it does rain we'll have to run inside somewhere...Austin Peay indoor track perhaps?

I do feel good about the cross training we've done, it's nice to have a little break from chasing my shadow and I do feel stronger and toner. Oh, that last post about cutting ice cream from my diet; yeah just disregard that.  I wasn't going to even go down that aisle at publix but we needed waffles, oh well...

So the other day when I was Facebook stalking, you know because I don't have anything better to do, right, geez! Anyway I was looking at a friend of a friends of a friends pics and apparently she's a yoga instructor, my age and she had all of these amazing poses with her legs up in the air looking very strong and I've decided I want to do that too!  Not teach yoga but get flexible again and be able to really do yoga not the sorry excuse of whatever I do lol!!

So the million dollar question is do we run tomorrow if it's not raining? It's supposed to be a rest day but we haven't even ran!!

I'll be doing my "no rain dance" if anyone needs me!

Get Your Yoga On!

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Miraculously I woke up right on time this morning all ready to run but when I checked the temperature on my phone it said light rain, $@!?!  So I asked Darren, "yoga or Insanity?" He said yoga.  He's really taken a liking to it, more so than me because I don't feel like I'm that good at it.  When I was a teenager I took dance and I was very flexible but of course that is long again and I struggle to touch my toes but I said sure, we can do Jillian again, she always kicks my behind.  Since we took time deciding I had to get Colin ready for school verbally which is a real challenge because you have to repeat everything twice because the first time he responds with a "huh?" Drives me CRAZY!!!! I only had to stop once to brush his hair because he did it all on his own, I was proud of him.  Yoga went well but I really struggle with push-ups, I think in yoga they're called something else but I'm still learning the terms...anyway I do like doing the poses because I feel strong. I don't know if its because I'm doing more yoga or because I've decided to stop buying ice cream but I'm starting to see some ab definition, yeah buddy! I have this fantasy where by summer time I have the body of Jennifer Aniston but since I don't have my own personal trainer I'm thinking this is a LONG shot but I'm going for it anyway.  Darren is adorable when he does yoga. He tries really  hard and it has really helped with his flexibility or lack there of but all the straining makes him fart, a lot, but I take those air explosions as crazy effort so go to it baby, just please don't be stinky!

I guess we may also try to run tonight which is cool with me. Last night we shaved nearly 4 mins off our best time since we started training.  It's only been a week but it shows our bodies are coming back like there saying, "oh yeah, I remember doing this!"  I don't know if they like it yet but we'll get there.

"Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit."  -Wilma Rudolph

Looking back before moving forward...

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Getting out of a super warm bed at 5 in the morn to run in the cold, dark neighborhood is just crazy, but I love it.  I always think of Clark W. Griswold when he's going to swim with Christy Brinkley, "this is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy!"

Saturday the 5th of January Darren and I ran 6 whole miles, funny because while training for my first half marathon last September I remember saying several times, "yeah, we only have to run 6 tomorrow!" but this time it was reeeally hard! I was already sore from yoga and it doesn't help that I need new shoes too but we did it and I only felt like I was going to keel over twice, success!!! Before I continue let me back track a little, I mean I didn't just decide to run a marathon yesterday, it's been a long, tough, yet amazing process. After we ran the Go Commando half in October our running stalled quite a bit, lesson learned that is not a good idea because now that we are training for a FULL MARATHON we are hurting! We also decided it is a good idea to do some type of other training besides just running because for two whole days after the half marathon(s) I could barely walk, that's 13 miles and we are training for 26 for goodness sake!!! We had wanted to run at The Greenway which for non Clarkvillians is a very nice running trial which has two different sides, one side is 4 miles both ways and is fairly flat, the other is a little over 5 both ways and is not so flat but challenging.  This didn't happen because at the time we had to leave it was 24 degrees! Nathan had rehearsal at nine so we had to leave by six to ensure we had a full hour to run, plus driving time plus stretching. Our 6 mile route consists of running out of our neighborhood, across a very busy intersection, into a not so nice area of town, past the cemetery and all the way down until the road ends and then back again.  Funny, when Darren used to run without me (the nerve!) I had a really
hard time believing it was only 6 miles, seemed like so much more but sure enough my handy dandy Mapmyrun says it's so, so it's so.
The temperature when we left was a cool 37 degrees, stark contrast to the 20's like the past few mornings before, I wore a sports bra, long sleeved imitation Under Armour shirt, another short  sleeved short and a sweatshirt along with yoga pants a hat and gloves.  As soon my feet hit the street I knew I had overdressed, I was sooo cold the morning before so I wanted my make sure I stayed warm. I have mastered the art of "stripping" while running so as soon as we got to the cemetery my gloves and hat were off and shortly after that I was (while running) moving my Shuffle from my sweatshirt to my fake Under Armour, tying my sweatshirt around my waste while holding my arm band in my mouth, ugh, relief!  I look over technologized for sure with both a shuffle and a armband with my phone.  Turns out I am obsessed with my running time. This happened after my first official race which was the 2012 Queen City Road Race. It was a 5K and really hot that day, 93 I believe and it was only May! I had only been running 2 months at that point and I was already hooked!  We had
to wait a long time to get started and I was jumping out of my skin!  The gun didn't work so we had a sudden "go!"  I was off, I wanted to sprint instantly but knew I needed to stay with Darren, after all he had been running for years and knew what he was doing.  Even though we walked twice we still finished with a decent time of 29.15. I felt really bad afterwards from the heat and adrenaline. Shortly after crossing the finish line, feeling like I was going to throw up I looked at Darren and asked, "when can we race again?" He laughed and poured water on my head to cool me off.  The following month we ran in the Wilma Rudolph 10K, we started really slow and at one point we were actually in last place with the police car hot on our trail! I was nervous because I had only ran 6 miles one other time before that day but I  trusted Darren,  and he was right because that last mile we had a lot of energy. We passed a lot of people and finished under an hour.  I had already been toying with the idea of running a half Marathon but really didn't know if I could do it. Darren had already ran 3 of them and I was in total awe of him. After a lot of soul searching, prayer, and asking Darren over and over again if HE thought I could do it, I made my decision, I was going to run the Women's Half

Marathon in Nashville.  I used the Smart Coach app on my iPad and followed it religiously and if I missed a day or could not run the number of miles I was supposed to it really bothered me.  Darren trained with me for "a race I'm not even running in" and lost a lot of weight in the process. We were in the best shape of our lives when race day arrived, September 22 to be exact.  My neighbor and friend Katy ran it with me and she did great.  The night before the race I could not sleep, I tossed and turned while envisioning how the race was going to play out, as it turned out the race experience was nothing like my vision.  I had butterflies the whole 45 mins we drove to Nashville.  I tried to eat a little and drink a lot but it wasn't happening.  When we got there I nervously tried to untangle my headphones but my hands were shaking so badly I just kept dropping them instead so Darren got me all wired up, pinned my number on me while maintaining the calmest demeanor which really helped to calm me down. Katy and I made our way to the starting line I had this awful feeling something was not right. The gun went off and so were we!  We zig zagged around a couple dozen people, adrenaline surging through my veins when all of a sudden my adrenaline was replaced with shear panic, Mother Nature decided to pay me a visit during the worst possible time!!!! I motioned to Katy I would catch up with her and ducked into the first port a potty I saw and indeed my worst nightmare had come true a whole week early and shocker, i did not have a tampon stuffed in my sports bra.  Tears came to my eyes as I considered dropping out of the race.  Hell no! I have worked too hard to quit so I stuffed a whole roll (slight exaggeration) of toilet paper in my running shorts, said a little prayer to let that get me through the nest 2 hours or so and off I went.  I now had a reason to run extra fast!  I sprinted until I caught up to Katy and she carried me through until mile 10 or so when I stopped at a water station and was unable to catch up to her.  I finished with a time of 1:59.56, not too shabby.

Considering a year ago I was taking pain medication because "doctors" told me I needed it for my back which is pretty jacked up and some days it hurts to get out of bed much less run but running has actually made me feel better! It sounds crazy but I really think the Hydrocodone made it worse! I drank nothing but Coke and had a nasty smoking habit. I ate a minimum of 14 Oreos a day and the rest of my diet was not much better.  People thought that since I was thin I was healthy, not so much.  Now the strongest meds I take are Motrin, which I admit to popping at least 2 a day. I no longer drink Cokes, just water and the occasional glass of wine.  I didn't start running to get healthy or lose weight initially but because I was on the verge of literally losing it and since that's not really an option for my family I threw my some old tennis shoes on and ran around my neighborhood for 1 and a half miles.  I had to stop quite a bit but afterwards I felt so much better so after my leg muscles stop throbbing I ran again.  Now I run for me.  It doesn't cost money to run (well races do but my mom usually helps me out with those) and it is something I do for me and it just so happens I'm not bad at it either. It's also bonding time for Darren and I.

Monday morning, the 7th we did Jillian Micheals Beginning Yoga, she's one tough chick but the next day we had that good sore, you know the kind where you feel like your muscles are ripping in half but getting tone at the same time? Love that. Tonight we are running while the girls are in dance class down Madison St.  This Saturday we've got 7, not going to complain until we have to do 20, maybe.